Trinnov Audio´s 3D kalibrerings mikrofon er helt unik, skræddersyet til kalibreringen af Trinnov´s ultra high end udstyr.
Vi anbefaler ikke nødvendigvis du anskaffer dig en mikrofon, da vi kan medbringe vores 3D målemikrofon.
Vi sikre vores vores kunder altid er up to date med nyeste firmware, løbende service og vedligeholdelse af deres Trinnov produkter inkl. løbende kalibrering, hvis firmwaren eller udstyret ændrer sig.
The measurement microphone is one of the most critical components of any loudspeaker/room calibration system.
Trinnov’s sophisticated algorithms rely not only on extremely accurate acoustic measurements but also on the ability to localize the speakers’ positions and to detect early reflections.
Our 3D microphone uses four mic elements in a precise tetrahedral arrangement. Each capsule is individually calibrated at the factory (±0.1 dB from 20 Hz to 24 kHz).
The resulting microphone calibration file is included in the microphone’s box on a USB stick.
The file is installed on the Trinnov product being employed and all the subsequent measurements are filtered through the calibration coefficient to ensure accuracy.
As each speaker is measured, the resulting sound waves pass through this array of microphones, hitting each one at a slightly different time. Based on this timing, we can triangulate the location of the speaker from which the sound arrived.
By testing each speaker in turn, we build a three-dimensional map of where the speakers are relative to the mic (which is placed at the main listening position).
We can do this to within 2° of azimuth, 2° of elevation, and less than 1 cm of distance. We use this information to enable our proprietary Remapping technology, in which we translate from the theoretical rendering of the soundtrack to the specifics of your particular room.
Remapping uses the two or three speakers closest to the intended location of a sound to create a phantom image of the sound coming from the correct direction.
Among other things, Remapping serves as a bit of a “Universal Translator” between the various audio formats. This is especially important in home cinemas since all three Immersive Audio formats disagree about the specific details of where you should place your speakers. We can solve that problem for you.
Noget af det der betyder allermest for CSN Teknik, er at vores kunder får opfyldt deres ønsker og drømme indenfor lyd og billede. Vi vil gøre vores bedste for at få tilfredse kunder og vi vil ikke gå på kompromis med vore idealer om, at tingene skal være 100% i orden.
Hos CSN Teknik konkurrerer ikke på prisen men på kvaliteten, da vi gerne vil sikre os, at vores kunder får den bedste løsning hver gang.
Hos CSN Teknik tilbyder vi et bredt udvalg af førsteklasses udstyr til hjemmebiograf, HiFi og multirum. Med fokus på kvalitet og integration, kan vi altid hjælpe med at finde den løsning, der bedst imødekommer dine behov og ønsker.
Har du spørgsmål om vores produkter eller de mærker, vi forhandler, er du altid velkommen til at kontakte CSN Teknik.
Hos CSN Teknik stræber vi efter at sikre, at alle problemer bliver løst tilfredsstillende, og vi vil aldrig efterlade dig uden support.
Rypevænget 7
4733 Tappernøje
+45 60 88 80 30
CVR: 30630254
Copyright © CSN-Teknik | Design & udviklinkg DAY01
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