High-end Surround processor fra Trinnov Audio der dekoder 16 diskrete kanaler + 4 kanaler via ekstern D/A konverter.
Altitude 16 er deres mindste model, til dem der ikke vil gå på kompromis med lydkvaliteten.
Det der gør Altitude 16 helt enestående, er ikke kun den eminente lydkvalitet, markedets bedste og mest avancerede rumkalibrering, men at Altitude er 100% fremtidssikret til kommende surround lydsystemer. Simpelt og genialt.
Trinnov Audios surrounddekodning findes simpelthen ikke bedre andre steder. Altitude kan dekode og processere alle de nyeste surround formater inklusiv Auro 3D, DTS:X og Dolby Atmos.
Med den unikke 3D speaker remapping funktion vil man, selv med en lidt alternativ højtalerplacering, kunne få en rigtig god lydoplevelse i alle lydformater, uanset om disse formater har forskellige krav til højtalernes placering.
Trinnov´s Optimizer er deres berømte og patenterede rumkorrektion, der benyttes i op til 2.000 proffesionelle studier og omkring 10.000 installationer rundt omkring i verden.
CSN Teknik anbefaler Trinnov Audio Altitude til dem der vil have det bedste af det bedste.
Trinnov giver naturligvis 5 års garanti på produkterne.
Trinnov Audio sætter standarden for, hvad du kan forvente af fantastisk hjemmebiografudstyr.
CSN Teknik har været på flere kurser i installation og kalibrering af Trinnov Altitude produkterne.
CSN Teknik tilbyder installation og Professionel kalibrering af Trinnov Audio surround sound produkter.
Kom og oplev Trinnov Audio Altituede 32 sammen med Trinnov Amplitude 16 i vores showroom.
No compromise
The groundbreaking Altitude32 processor set the bar high — and we didn’t lower it for the Altitude16.
Delivering the same processing capabilities and sound quality as the Altitude32 processor, the Altitude16 makes Trinnov’s best-in-class performance accessible to a wider audience who’s immersive audio system requirements will not exceed 20 channels.
Equipped with Dolby Atmos, Auro-3D, and DTS:X Pro immersive audio decoders, the Altitude16 renders up to 20 discrete channels of information, natively processes high-resolution 24 bit / 96K audio
enables up to four-way active crossovers and presents no limitations in terms of Atmos and DTS:X channel assignments or subwoofer outputs.
Trinnov Optimizer
Our world-renowned Loudspeaker/Room Optimizer is recognized as best-in-class by users and reviewers across the professional, commercial cinema and high-end home audio worlds. Introduced to the pro audio market in 2006, its revolutionary solution was quickly embraced by many of the most demanding music, broadcast and post-production sound engineers.
Optimizer technology is now used in nearly 2,000 studios across the globe with nearly 10,000 high-performance installations worldwide.
This same technology, enhanced and refined over the years, is at the heart of the Altitude. To this day, the Optimizer remains the most powerful and flexible calibration system available.
Through its Paris-based server, Trinnov enables remote access to any processor connected to the Internet.
CSN Teknik can remotely access each processor they have installed, with full control of all parameters, thus eliminating the need to be on site to adjust a customer’s system or to diagnose problems.
In addition, the Trinnov factory support team, based in the United States and France, and acknowledged as among the best in the industry, also has remote access to provide higher-level remote assistance and troubleshooting.
The Bass Management solution in the Altitude gives users the most sophisticated tool available for managing low frequencies.
Complete flexibility regarding high and low pass frequencies, filter types, and filter slopes is just the beginning. The low-frequency content of any channel can be fed to any combination of subwoofers, and there is no limitation to the number of subwoofer channels other than the number of available outputs.
Going further, our unique intermediate bass management system is ideal for immersive systems using smaller height channel speakers. It can redirect low frequencies not just to subwoofers, but from a speaker with limited bass capability to the closest, more-capable speaker, before sending the lowest frequencies to the subs.
In real-world rooms, we can’t always place speakers where we should. And in any case, Dolby, DTS, and Auro each have a different idea of where they should go. Trinnov’s exclusive, patented Remapping is the only solution.
During calibration, Trinnov’s unique 3D microphone precisely maps the location of each loudspeaker in the room regarding distance, azimuth, and elevation.
When decoding a particular soundtrack, we know the intended placement of each of the various sound elements. Then Remapping, taking the reality of the room into account, ‘remaps’ errant sounds to the proper locations by using adjacent speakers and the principle of stereo imaging.
Noget af det der betyder allermest for CSN Teknik, er at vores kunder får opfyldt deres ønsker og drømme indenfor lyd og billede. Vi vil gøre vores bedste for at få tilfredse kunder og vi vil ikke gå på kompromis med vore idealer om, at tingene skal være 100% i orden.
Hos CSN Teknik konkurrerer ikke på prisen men på kvaliteten, da vi gerne vil sikre os, at vores kunder får den bedste løsning hver gang.
Hos CSN Teknik tilbyder vi et bredt udvalg af førsteklasses udstyr til hjemmebiograf, HiFi og multirum. Med fokus på kvalitet og integration, kan vi altid hjælpe med at finde den løsning, der bedst imødekommer dine behov og ønsker.
Har du spørgsmål om vores produkter eller de mærker, vi forhandler, er du altid velkommen til at kontakte CSN Teknik.
Hos CSN Teknik stræber vi efter at sikre, at alle problemer bliver løst tilfredsstillende, og vi vil aldrig efterlade dig uden support.
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+45 60 88 80 30
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